Returns & Exchanges
If we have sent an incorrect item, or if your product is delivered in bad condition, contact our customer service with a digital image of the damaged or incorrect item and the packaging. Enter the following in the message: your order number, shipping ID or item number, a brief description of the reason for the return, and if you want a replacement product or refund.
Send your request within 30 days of receipt. Your request will be processed within 48 hours and you will receive an email to notify your refund or refund being processed. If you choose a refund, you will get back the full cost of the item but the return cost is deducted from your refund of £9. After a return has been processed, it may take up to 14 days before you receive a refund.
You have 30 days return right from the day that you receive the product
We assume that the product is original, unused, and with all labels and/or packaging intact. Keep in mind that if you have bought rubber boots or sneakers, the shoe box is part of the product. Do not tap or write directly on the carton. If we get back cartons that are destroyed then there will be a fee of £15 or the return might not be valid.
Returns Great Britain
The return costs £9. The fee will be deducted from your refund.
How to return an item:
1. Fill in the return form that came with your parcel.
2. Pack the item(-s) you wish to return.
3. Visit UPS portal to request a customs invoice and return label.
4. Print out the customs invoice and return label received from us.
5. Call UPS to book a collection or return the parcel at your nearest UPS Access Point. Remember to provide the customs invoice. Keep the tracking number.
If you can't find the return form you can e-mail contact our customer service.
As soon as we have received the return, we will send an e-mail confirmation via Klarna.
If you have chosen invoice as payment method, you can choose to pause the invoice when you are logged in to Klarna. You pause the invoice by going to it in Klarna and press 'Report return'. This means that the invoice does not have to be paid during the return process. If you have returned your entire order, the Klarna invoice will be removed. If you have returned parts of your order, we will update the invoice with the new amount to be paid.
Exchanges Great Britain
Please note that exchanges are not possible outside of Sweden, you need to return the package to us and make a new order.
Return address
All returns shall be sent back to:
Tretorn Sweden AB
Lagergatan 4
264 94 Klippan, Sweden
In campaigns where you receive a gift with purchase, you also need to return the gift if you no longer meet the requirements for the gift-campaign.
We reserve the right to change or vary these Terms and Conditions at any time and any revision will supersede these Terms and Conditions. Any changes or variation to these Terms and Conditions made by Tretorn will be posted here and will have immediate effect. Users of this website are therefore advised to review our Terms and Conditions regularly for changes.
If you have any further questions regarding our Terms and Conditions, please contact our customer service.